He aquí el artículo publicado el pasado domingo por Esteban Linés, con el añadido de una pieza escrita por George Wein alrededor de los retos del jazz hoy y del Advisory Board creado por el festival de Newport, del que forma parte el Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona representado por su director artístico, Joan Anton Cararach.
28 de maig, 2012
27 de maig, 2012
Torna el festival
Sonny Rollins, el colós (foto: Ricard Cugat).
Esteban Linés publica avui a La Vanguardia una prèvia del festival de jazz amb sis primers concerts anunciats. Tres d'ells pertanyen, sens dubte, a la categoria de clàssics indiscutibles, i els altres tres configuren un exquisit cicle en col·laboració amb l'Institut Francès de Barcelona.
Abans, però, el festival de jazz, com ja va fer l'any passat amb Trombone Shorty, oferirà un concert-pòrtic a la sala Bikini al juliol que servirà per presentar bona part de la resta de la programació als seguidors del festival, que són, no ho oblidem, el principal suport econòmic que fa possible un festival com el de Barcelona. Aquest concert, a més a més, serà gratuït per qualsevol persona que ja tingui una entrada pels dos concerts del Palau o el de l'Auditori anunciats (seguiu les instruccions pròximament a la pàgina web de The Project i al Facebook del festival).
Heus aquí els concerts ja anunciats (entrades a la venda la pròxima setmana):
Dimarts, 17 de juliol. Bikini
The Soul Rebels Brass Band
Concert pòrtic i festa de presentació del festival a càrrec d'una de les bandes que està revolucionant el fecund món de les brass bands de Nova Orleans i que han arribat a tocar convidats per grups com ara Metallica. La seva cita cada dijous al club Le Bon Temps Roulé és una de les parades indispensables per tot aquell que vulgui viure el pols autèntic d'una ciutat única, Nova Orleans.
Aquí podeu veure com sonen en directe els Soul Rebels, en un enregistrament fet al cèlebre programa de la BBC Later with Jools Holland.
Dimarts, 20 de novembre. Palau de la Música Catalana
Sonny Rollins
Dos anys després de rebre la tercera medalla d'or del festival en un concert memorable, Sonny Rollins –¿potser l'última gran llegenda del jazz?– torna a Barcelona per tancar la seva gira europea de tardor, amb només set concerts. Celebrat per Barack Obama i l'expresident Bill Clinton (podeu llegir aquí el brindis que li va dedicar en la cerimònia d'entrega del Kennedy Center), Rollins acaba de treure un segon volum de Road Shows que inclou la seva història col·laboració amb Ornette Coleman, en directe des del Beacon Theatre de Nova York.
Dimecres, 28 de novembre. Auditori de Barcelona
Brad Mehldau Trio
Presentació a Barcelona de l'últim disc de Brad Mehldau, Ode, un enregistrament elegíac que trenca un silenci de gairebé cinc anys pel que fa al trio i que retrata a la perfecció el moment actual d'una formació (recordem-ho: Larry Grenadier al contrabaix i Jeff Ballard a la bateria) que ha influït com gairebé cap altra el jazz contemporani.
Chick Corea, un solo molt especial fa dos anys al Palau amb convidats:
Niño Josele i Carles Benavent (foto: Ricard Cugat).
Niño Josele i Carles Benavent (foto: Ricard Cugat).
Divendres, 30 de novembre. Palau de la Música Catalana (concert de clausura)
Chick Corea Trio amb Christian McBride i Brian Blade
Incansable, Chick Corea va celebrar la passada tardor els seus 70 anys amb un mes sencer al Blue Note de Nova York per on van passar tots els seus amics i col·laboradors, de Herbie Hancock a Bobby McFerrin passant per Niño Josele i Carles Benavent, entre molts altres d'una llista interminable. Molt conegut pel festival, on fa dos anys va oferir un increïble recital a piano sol (amb la cirereta de Josele i Benavent com a sorpresa final), Corea torna a Barcelona al capdavant d'un nou trio que ja ha començat a cridar molt l'atenció gràcies a la presència d'una secció rítmica de primera: Christian McBride al contrabaix i Brian Blade a la bateria.
Cicle en col·laboració amb l'Institut Francès
Dissabte, 10 de novembre. Luz de Gas
Irène Jacob
El seu primer paper al cine el va tenir el 1987 a la pel·lícula Au revoir les enfants, de Louis Malle. Hi feia de Mlle. Davenne, professora de piano. Significatiu perquè, de fet, Irène Jacob, després cèlebre protagonista de les pel·lícules de Krzysztof Kieslowski La double vie de Véronique i Rouge, no ha deixat mai de considerar-se músic. I a pesar que la seva carrera com a actriu al cinema i al teatre no li ha deixat concentrar-se gaire en la seva vocació musical, finalment acaba de publicar el seu primer disc, a mitges amb el seu germà Francis, Je sais nager, on, sota les estrelles del jazz, es barregen bossanova, chanson, lletres punyents i, fins i tot, músiques inspirades pel filòsof Gilles Deleuze.
Irène i Francis Jacob.
Dijous, 15 de novembre. Institut Francès
Dan Tepfer
Variacions Goldberg
L'Institut Francès s'estrena com a seu del festival amb un recital de Dan Tepfer, a qui els aficionats del festival de jazz de Barcelona van poder descobrir fa dos anys a duo amb el gran Lee Konitz. Aleshores ja ens va parlar del seu nou projecte, unes variacions sobre les Variacions Goldberg, potser l'obra més hipnòtica de tot el corpus per teclat de Johann Sebastian Bach. El resultat ha estat un disc publicat per Sunnyside, una de les discogràfiques de culte de Nova York. El concert de Tepfer farà part igualment del cicle Clàssics, que proposarà dins del festival revisions jazzístiques de grans mestres de la música occidental, des de Bach, Händel i Scarlatti fins a Thelonious Monk…
Dijous, 29 de novembre. Institut Francès
L'oeil de l'élephant
Fotoconcert de Guy Le Querrec amb Michel Portal (saxos i clarinet), Louis Sclavis (saxos i clarinet), Henri Texier (contrabaix) i Christophe Marguet (bateria)
Quatre asos del jazz francès reunits en un espectacle al voltant del fotògraf de l'agència Magnum Guy Le Querrec, un dels grans fotògraf de jazz europeus. Música inspirada en les imatges, que seran projectades al mateix temps. Però diguem-ho en francès, per què no:
«Guy Le Querrec n’aime rien tant que de courir les fables.
Il aime ce vieux proverbe africain qui voudrait que l’œil de l’éléphant "shoote" chaque instant pour le vivre uniquement, comme si c’était la première et la dernière fois.
Cet instant "décisif" selon Cartier Bresson, "incisif" selon Guy Le Querrec est le maître mot de sa vie de photographe.»
17 de maig, 2012
The Gil Evans Centennial Project
En el Standard, al frente de una banda de ensueño, Evans propone cuatro programas. He aquí la nota de prensa firmada por el propio Truesdell que anuncia este póquer de conciertos indispensables.
By Ryan Truesdell
The time is finally here! The CDs are just about ready to be mailed out to everyone! I can't wait for you to hear this great music of Gil's, and I look forward to hearing everyone's reaction to this music! Thank you to everyone for making this album possible, and for Gil's long-lost music to be heard again!
Ryan Truesdell, en el estudio grabando la música de Gil Evans (foto: Todd Chalfant).
For those of you in or around the NYC area (or for those die-hard Gil fans that are willing to make the journey), next week, Thursday through Sunday, May 17th - 20th we will celebrating Gil Evans' 100th birthday and the release of our new CD, CENTENNIAL: Newly Discovered Works of Gil Evans, at the Jazz Standard in NYC. Each night will feature different music from Gil Evans' six-decade-long career: some pieces we know and love, some which are recorded for the first time on the new CD, and some which have never before been recorded or performed. It will be a rare opportunity to hear this historic music performed live, by the wonderful musicians listed below. I hope you'll join us for as many nights as you can.
RESERVATIONS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED! www.jazzstandard.net -- (212) 576-2232
Gig Details:
Thursday, May 17th, sets at 7:30 and 9:30pm ($25 per set -- no food/drink minimum)
Featuring music Evans wrote and arranged for the Claude Thornhill Orchestra in the 1940s/1950s
Friday, May 18th, sets at 7:30, 9:30, and 11:30pm ($30 per set -- no food/drink minimum)
Featuring Evans' music for his albums New Bottle Old Wine and Great Jazz Standards, and unrecorded re-orchestrations done for a concert at the Apollo Theater in 1959
Saturday, May 19th, sets at 7:30, 9:30, and 11:30pm ($30 per set -- no food/drink minimum)
Featuring music from The Individualism of Gil Evans, including "Punjab," recorded for the first time on CENTENNIAL
Sunday, May 20th, sets at 7:30 and 9:30pm ($25 per set -- no food/drink minimum)
Featuring Evans' beautiful arrangements written for vocalists such as Astrud Gilberto, Lucy Reed, and Helen Merrill, performed by Kate McGarry
Conductor -- Ryan Truesdell
Woodwinds - Steve Wilson, Dave Pietro, Donny McCaslin, Scott Robinson, Brian Landrus, Charles Pillow, Michael Rabinowitz, Alden Banta, Jesse Han, Christopher Matthews, Steve Kenyon
Brass - Adam Unsworth, Dave Peel (French horns); Augie Haas, Greg Gisbert, Laurie Frink (trumpets); Ryan Keberle, Marshall Gilkes, George Flynn (trombones); Marcus Rojas (tuba)
Rhythm/Etc. - James Chirillo, Romero Lubambo (guitar); Frank Kimbrough (piano), Rufus Reid (bass), Lewis Nash (drums), Dan Weiss (tabla), Mike Truesdell (percussion), Aristedes Rivas (tenor violin), Kate McGarry, Wendy Gilles (voice).
16 de maig, 2012
George Wein and Newport Festivals Foundation, Inc.™ Announce Formation of Newport Jazz Festival® Advisory Committee
George Wein in Barcelona, May 2010.
To enhance dialogue and share knowledge about the ever-evolving art form of jazz, George Wein and the Newport Festivals Foundation, Inc.™ today announced the creation of the Newport Jazz Festival® Advisory Committee, made up of some of the leading jazz festival producers from around the world.
"The members of the committee are the true source of knowledge about what is happening in jazz. Collectively, they listen to everything that is being produced and their awareness of the extraordinary musicians in their countries is invaluable," said Wein, Newport Jazz Festival Producer and Chairman of the Newport Festivals Foundation. "Since jazz is becoming more of a global music each year, having formal access to this outstanding group of international producers will help ensure that the Newport Jazz Festival, as well as other festivals, remain significant and influential institutions for years to come."
Advisory Committee members are: Iñaki Añúa, Festival de Jazz de Vitoria-Gasteizn Ant; Joan A. Cararach, Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona; John Cumming, London Jazz Festival; Quint Davis, New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival; Bertrand Flamang, Gent Jazz Festival; Tim Jackson, Monterey Jazz Festival; Jan Willem Luyken, North Sea Jazz Rotterdam; Miguel Martín, San Sebastian Jazz Festival; André Ménard and Alain Simard, Festival International de Jazz de Montreal; Carlo Pagnotta, Umbria Jazz Festival; Ken Pickering, Vancouver International Jazz Festival; Fritz Thom, Jazz Fest Wien; and Penny Tyler, Ravinia Jazz Festival.
Wein and some of the Newport Jazz Festival Advisory Committee are members of the International Jazz Festival Organization (IJFO), an umbrella association to currently 17 leading jazz festivals worldwide. The members do not compete territorially and their events are held at times that allow potential touring of common projects.
In addition, the Newport Festivals Foundation also created an Advisory Board in 2011 for its Newport Folk Festival. While that group is made up of artists Colin Meloy of The Decemberists, Gillian Welch, Ramblin' Jack Elliott, Jim James of My Morning Jacket and Ben Knox Miller of The Low Anthem, Wein chose to fill this Committee with fellow jazz festival producers. However, the jazz impresario says he is "open to bringing on artists and other industry professionals who understand the importance and challenges of promoting jazz, presenting and developing emerging performers and keeping the legacy of the Newport Jazz Festival, and jazz in general, alive."
The 2012 Newport Jazz Festival presented by Natixis Global Asset Management, which takes place August 3 - 5, features Pat Metheny Unity Band, Tedeschi Trucks Band, Jack DeJohnette's 70th Birthday Celebration, Dianne Reeves, Dr. John, Kurt Elling, Maria Schneider Orchestra, Jason Moran and The Bandwagon, Ambrose Akinmusire Quintet, Vince Giordano & the Nighthawks, the 3 Cohens, Christian McBride's Inside Straight and more. For tickets and the complete line-up, go to www.newportjazzfest.net. The Newport Festivals Foundation, Inc.* was founded by George Wein in 2010 to build up and continue the legacies of the famed Newport Jazz Festival and Newport Folk Festival. Under the auspices of the Foundation, the Newport Jazz Festival presents performers who respect and honor jazz music traditions, and at the same time reflect the changes in today's musical trends. Through the establishment of partnerships with local high schools and colleges/universities, the Foundation will present programs to educate young people about jazz music as presented at the annual festival. For more information, please visit www.newportfestivalsfoundation.org.
# # #
The Newport Jazz Festival® and Newport Folk Festival® are productions of Newport Festivals Foundation, Inc.™, a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation, under license from Festival Productions, Inc. and George Wein; all rights reserved.
"The members of the committee are the true source of knowledge about what is happening in jazz. Collectively, they listen to everything that is being produced and their awareness of the extraordinary musicians in their countries is invaluable," said Wein, Newport Jazz Festival Producer and Chairman of the Newport Festivals Foundation. "Since jazz is becoming more of a global music each year, having formal access to this outstanding group of international producers will help ensure that the Newport Jazz Festival, as well as other festivals, remain significant and influential institutions for years to come."
Advisory Committee members are: Iñaki Añúa, Festival de Jazz de Vitoria-Gasteizn Ant; Joan A. Cararach, Voll-Damm Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona; John Cumming, London Jazz Festival; Quint Davis, New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival; Bertrand Flamang, Gent Jazz Festival; Tim Jackson, Monterey Jazz Festival; Jan Willem Luyken, North Sea Jazz Rotterdam; Miguel Martín, San Sebastian Jazz Festival; André Ménard and Alain Simard, Festival International de Jazz de Montreal; Carlo Pagnotta, Umbria Jazz Festival; Ken Pickering, Vancouver International Jazz Festival; Fritz Thom, Jazz Fest Wien; and Penny Tyler, Ravinia Jazz Festival.
Wein and some of the Newport Jazz Festival Advisory Committee are members of the International Jazz Festival Organization (IJFO), an umbrella association to currently 17 leading jazz festivals worldwide. The members do not compete territorially and their events are held at times that allow potential touring of common projects.
In addition, the Newport Festivals Foundation also created an Advisory Board in 2011 for its Newport Folk Festival. While that group is made up of artists Colin Meloy of The Decemberists, Gillian Welch, Ramblin' Jack Elliott, Jim James of My Morning Jacket and Ben Knox Miller of The Low Anthem, Wein chose to fill this Committee with fellow jazz festival producers. However, the jazz impresario says he is "open to bringing on artists and other industry professionals who understand the importance and challenges of promoting jazz, presenting and developing emerging performers and keeping the legacy of the Newport Jazz Festival, and jazz in general, alive."
The 2012 Newport Jazz Festival presented by Natixis Global Asset Management, which takes place August 3 - 5, features Pat Metheny Unity Band, Tedeschi Trucks Band, Jack DeJohnette's 70th Birthday Celebration, Dianne Reeves, Dr. John, Kurt Elling, Maria Schneider Orchestra, Jason Moran and The Bandwagon, Ambrose Akinmusire Quintet, Vince Giordano & the Nighthawks, the 3 Cohens, Christian McBride's Inside Straight and more. For tickets and the complete line-up, go to www.newportjazzfest.net. The Newport Festivals Foundation, Inc.* was founded by George Wein in 2010 to build up and continue the legacies of the famed Newport Jazz Festival and Newport Folk Festival. Under the auspices of the Foundation, the Newport Jazz Festival presents performers who respect and honor jazz music traditions, and at the same time reflect the changes in today's musical trends. Through the establishment of partnerships with local high schools and colleges/universities, the Foundation will present programs to educate young people about jazz music as presented at the annual festival. For more information, please visit www.newportfestivalsfoundation.org.
# # #
The Newport Jazz Festival® and Newport Folk Festival® are productions of Newport Festivals Foundation, Inc.™, a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation, under license from Festival Productions, Inc. and George Wein; all rights reserved.
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