12 de novembre, 2010

AfroCubism, a stunning
and emotional experience

By Danny Melnick

The AfroCubism concert at New York City's Town Hall on Tuesday, Nov. 9 was a stunning and emotional experience. As one of the presenters of the evening, it was a great honor for me to participate in this event. The music was very inspirational in that it showed how clearly people from different nations and cultures, who don't speak the same spoken language, can come together by the pulse and beat of the rhythm to make glorious music. The audience LOVED this concert and gave the musicians well-deserved multiple standing ovations.

I must say that these types of nights reinforce my pleasure of promoting concerts and working with musicians who are so talented and interested in creating something new!

If you are reading this post and considering attending this concert when it is presented in Barcelona (Nov. 18th, L'Auditori), please stop and buy tickets now. I promise that you will have a wonderful, fun and fruitful night and you'll be so happy that you decided to attend the concert.

Danny Melnick
Absolutely Live Entertainment LLC

Photo Credits: Lars Opstad